The D Programming Language

Functions which operate on ASCII characters.

All of the functions in std. ascii accept Unicode characters but effectively ignore them if they're not ASCII. All isX functions return false for non-ASCII characters, and all toX functions do nothing to non-ASCII characters.

For functions which operate on Unicode characters, see std.uni.

ASCII Table, Wikipedia
Boost License 1.0.
Walter Bright and Jonathan M Davis

immutable string  hexDigits;


immutable string  lowerHexDigits;


immutable string  fullHexDigits;


immutable string  digits;


immutable string  octalDigits;


immutable string  lowercase;


immutable string  uppercase;


immutable string  letters;


immutable string  whitespace;

ASCII  whitespace

enum  LetterCase: bool;

Letter case specifier.

Upper case letters

Lower case letters

immutable string  newline;

Newline sequence for this system.

pure nothrow @safe bool  isAlphaNum(dchar c);

Returns whether c is a letter or a number (0..9, a..z, A..Z).

pure nothrow @safe bool  isAlpha(dchar c);

Returns whether c is an ASCII letter (A..Z, a..z).

pure nothrow @safe bool  isLower(dchar c);

Returns whether c is a lowercase ASCII letter (a..z).

pure nothrow @safe bool  isUpper(dchar c);

Returns whether c is an uppercase ASCII letter (A..Z).

pure nothrow @safe bool  isDigit(dchar c);

Returns whether c is a digit (0..9).

pure nothrow @safe bool  isOctalDigit(dchar c);

Returns whether c is a digit in base 8 (0..7).

pure nothrow @safe bool  isHexDigit(dchar c);

Returns whether c is a digit in base 16 (0..9, A..F, a..f).

pure nothrow @safe bool  isWhite(dchar c);

Whether or not c is a whitespace character. That includes the space, tab, vertical tab, form feed, carriage return, and linefeed characters.

pure nothrow @safe bool  isControl(dchar c);

Returns whether c is a control character.

pure nothrow @safe bool  isPunctuation(dchar c);

Whether or not c is a punctuation character. That includes all ASCII characters which are not control characters, letters, digits, or whitespace.

pure nothrow @safe bool  isGraphical(dchar c);

Whether or not c is a printable character other than the space character.

pure nothrow @safe bool  isPrintable(dchar c);

Whether or not c is a printable character - including the space character.

pure nothrow @safe bool  isASCII(dchar c);

Whether or not c is in the ASCII character set - i.e. in the range 0..0x7F.

auto  toLower(C)(C c) if (is(C : dchar));

If c is an uppercase ASCII character, then its corresponding lowercase letter is returned. Otherwise, c is returned.

C can be any type which implicitly converts to dchar. In the case where it's a built-in type, or an enum of a built-in type, Unqual!(OriginalType!C) is returned, whereas if it's a user-defined type, dchar is returned.

auto  toUpper(C)(C c) if (is(C : dchar));

If c is a lowercase ASCII character, then its corresponding uppercase letter is returned. Otherwise, c is returned.

C can be any type which implicitly converts to dchar. In the case where it's a built-in type, or an enum of a built-in type, Unqual!(OriginalType!C) is returned, whereas if it's a user-defined type, dchar is returned.