The D Programming Language

Deprecated. It will be removed in March 2014. Please use std.string.format,, or std.conv.parse instead of these templates (which one would depend on which template is being replaced.) They now work in CTFE, and these templates are very inefficient.

Templates with which to do compile-time manipulation of strings.

Boost License 1.0.
Walter Bright, Don Clugston

template  Format(A...)

Deprecated. Please use std.string.format instead. It now works in CTFE, and this template is very inefficient.

Formats constants into a string at compile time. Analogous to std.string.format.

A = tuple of constants, which can be strings, characters, or integral values.
The formats supported are %s for strings, and %% for the % character.
import std.metastrings;
import std.stdio;

void main()
  string s = Format!("Arg %s = %s", "foo", 27);
  writefln(s); // "Arg foo = 27"


template  toStringNow(ulong v)
template  toStringNow(long v)
template  toStringNow(uint U)
template  toStringNow(int I)
template  toStringNow(bool B)
template  toStringNow(string S)
template  toStringNow(char C)

Deprecated. Please use std.conv.format instead. It now works in CTFE, and this template is very inefficient.

Convert constant argument to a string.

template  parseUinteger(const(char)[] s)

Deprecated. Please use std.conv.parse instead. It now works in CTFE, and this template is very inefficient.

Parse unsigned integer literal from the start of string s.

.value = the integer literal as a string, .rest = the string following the integer literal
.value = null, .rest = s

template  parseInteger(const(char)[] s)

Deprecated. Please use std.conv.parse instead. It now works in CTFE, and this template is very inefficient.

Parse integer literal optionally preceded by '-' from the start of string s.

.value = the integer literal as a string, .rest = the string following the integer literal
.value = null, .rest = s