String handling functions. Objects of types string, wstring, and dstring are value types and cannot be mutated element-by-element. For using mutation during building strings, use char[], wchar[], or dchar[]. The *string types are preferable because they don't exhibit undesired aliasing, thus making code more robust.
Exception thrown on errors in std.string functions.
string msg | The message for the exception. |
string file | The file where the exception occurred. |
size_t line | The line number where the exception occurred. |
Throwable next | The previous exception in the chain of exceptions, if any. |
Compares two ranges of characters lexicographically. The comparison is case insensitive. Use std.algorithm.cmp for a case sensitive comparison. For details see icmp">std.uni. icmp.
< 0 | s1 < s2 |
= 0 | s1 == s2 |
> 0 | s1 > s2 |
Returns a C-style zero-terminated string equivalent to s. s must not contain embedded '\0''s as any C function will treat the first '\0' that it sees as the end of the string. If s.empty is true, then a string containing only '\0' is returned.
Important Note: When passing a char* to a C function, and the C function keeps it around for any reason, make sure that you keep a reference to it in your D code. Otherwise, it may go away during a garbage collection cycle and cause a nasty bug when the C code tries to use it.
Flag indicating whether a search is case-sensitive.
Returns the index of the first occurence of c in s. If c is not found, then -1 is returned.
cs indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
Returns the index of the first occurence of c in s with respect to the start index startIdx. If c is not found, then -1 is returned. If c is found the value of the returned index is at least startIdx. startIdx represents a codeunit index in s. If the sequence starting at startIdx does not represent a well formed codepoint, then a std.utf.UTFException may be thrown.
cs indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
Returns the index of the first occurence of sub in s. If sub is not found, then -1 is returned.
cs indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
Returns the index of the first occurence of sub in s with respect to the start index startIdx. If sub is not found, then -1 is returned. If sub is found the value of the returned index is at least startIdx. startIdx represents a codeunit index in s. If the sequence starting at startIdx does not represent a well formed codepoint, then a std.utf.UTFException may be thrown.
cs indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
Returns the index of the last occurence of c in s. If c is not found, then -1 is returned.
cs indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
Returns the index of the last occurence of c in s. If c is not found, then -1 is returned. The startIdx slices s in the following way s[0 .. startIdx]. startIdx represents a codeunit index in s. If the sequence ending at startIdx does not represent a well formed codepoint, then a std.utf.UTFException may be thrown.
cs indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
Returns the index of the last occurence of sub in s. If sub is not found, then -1 is returned.
cs indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
Returns the index of the last occurence of sub in s. If sub is not found, then -1 is returned. The startIdx slices s in the following way s[0 .. startIdx]. startIdx represents a codeunit index in s. If the sequence ending at startIdx does not represent a well formed codepoint, then a std.utf.UTFException may be thrown.
cs indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
Returns the representation of a string, which has the same type as the string except the character type is replaced by ubyte, ushort, or uint depending on the character width.
string s = "hello"; static assert(is(typeof(representation(s)) == immutable(ubyte)[])); assert(representation(s) is cast(immutable(ubyte)[]) s); assert(representation(s) == [0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f]);
Returns a string which is identical to s except that all of its characters are converted to lowercase (by preforming Unicode lowercase mapping). If none of s characters were affected, then s itself is returned.
Converts s to lowercase (by performing Unicode lowercase mapping) in place. For a few characters string length may increase after the transformation, in such a case the function reallocates exactly once. If s does not have any uppercase characters, then s is unaltered.
Returns a string which is identical to s except that all of its characters are converted to uppercase (by preforming Unicode uppercase mapping). If none of s characters were affected, then s itself is returned.
Converts s to uppercase (by performing Unicode uppercase mapping) in place. For a few characters string length may increase after the transformation, in such a case the function reallocates exactly once. If s does not have any lowercase characters, then s is unaltered.
Capitalize the first character of s and convert the rest of s to lowercase.
Split s into an array of lines using '\r', '\n', "\r\n", std.uni.lineSep, and std.uni.paraSep as delimiters. If keepTerm is set to KeepTerminator.yes, then the delimiter is included in the strings returned.
Strips leading whitespace.
assert(stripLeft(" hello world ") == "hello world "); assert(stripLeft("\n\t\v\rhello world\n\t\v\r") == "hello world\n\t\v\r"); assert(stripLeft("hello world") == "hello world"); assert(stripLeft([lineSep] ~ "hello world" ~ lineSep) == "hello world" ~ [lineSep]); assert(stripLeft([paraSep] ~ "hello world" ~ paraSep) == "hello world" ~ [paraSep]);
Strips trailing whitespace.
assert(stripRight(" hello world ") == " hello world"); assert(stripRight("\n\t\v\rhello world\n\t\v\r") == "\n\t\v\rhello world"); assert(stripRight("hello world") == "hello world"); assert(stripRight([lineSep] ~ "hello world" ~ lineSep) == [lineSep] ~ "hello world"); assert(stripRight([paraSep] ~ "hello world" ~ paraSep) == [paraSep] ~ "hello world");
Strips both leading and trailing whitespace.
assert(strip(" hello world ") == "hello world"); assert(strip("\n\t\v\rhello world\n\t\v\r") == "hello world"); assert(strip("hello world") == "hello world"); assert(strip([lineSep] ~ "hello world" ~ [lineSep]) == "hello world"); assert(strip([paraSep] ~ "hello world" ~ [paraSep]) == "hello world");
If str ends with delimiter, then str is returned without delimiter on its end. If it str does not end with delimiter, then it is returned unchanged.
If no delimiter is given, then one trailing '\r', '\n', "\r\n", std.uni.lineSep, or std.uni.paraSep is removed from the end of str. If str does not end with any of those characters, then it is returned unchanged.
assert(chomp(" hello world \n\r") == " hello world \n"); assert(chomp(" hello world \r\n") == " hello world "); assert(chomp(" hello world \n\n") == " hello world \n"); assert(chomp(" hello world \n\n ") == " hello world \n\n "); assert(chomp(" hello world \n\n" ~ [lineSep]) == " hello world \n\n"); assert(chomp(" hello world \n\n" ~ [paraSep]) == " hello world \n\n"); assert(chomp(" hello world") == " hello world"); assert(chomp("") == ""); assert(chomp(" hello world", "orld") == " hello w"); assert(chomp(" hello world", " he") == " hello world"); assert(chomp("", "hello") == "");
If str starts with delimiter, then the part of str following delimiter is returned. If it str does not start with delimiter, then it is returned unchanged.
assert(chompPrefix("hello world", "he") == "llo world"); assert(chompPrefix("hello world", "hello w") == "orld"); assert(chompPrefix("hello world", " world") == "hello world"); assert(chompPrefix("", "hello") == "");
Returns str without its last character, if there is one. If str ends with "\r\n", then both are removed. If str is empty, then then it is returned unchanged.
assert(chop("hello world") == "hello worl"); assert(chop("hello world\n") == "hello world"); assert(chop("hello world\r") == "hello world"); assert(chop("hello world\n\r") == "hello world\n"); assert(chop("hello world\r\n") == "hello world"); assert(chop("Walter Bright") == "Walter Brigh"); assert(chop("") == "");
Left justify s in a field width characters wide. fillChar is the character that will be used to fill up the space in the field that s doesn't fill.
Right justify s in a field width characters wide. fillChar is the character that will be used to fill up the space in the field that s doesn't fill.
Center s in a field width characters wide. fillChar is the character that will be used to fill up the space in the field that s doesn't fill.
Replace each tab character in s with the number of spaces necessary to align the following character at the next tab stop where tabSize is the distance between tab stops.
Replaces spaces in s with the optimal number of tabs. All spaces and tabs at the end of a line are removed.
S s | String to convert. |
size_t tabSize | Tab columns are tabSize spaces apart. |
Replaces the characters in str which are keys in transTable with their corresponding values in transTable. transTable is an AA where its keys are dchar and its values are either dchar or some type of string. Also, if toRemove is given, the characters in it are removed from str prior to translation. str itself is unaltered. A copy with the changes is returned.
C1[] str | The original string. |
dchar[dchar] transTable | The AA indicating which characters to replace and what to replace them with. |
const(C2)[] toRemove | The characters to remove from the string. |
dchar[dchar] transTable1 = ['e' : '5', 'o' : '7', '5': 'q']; assert(translate("hello world", transTable1) == "h5ll7 w7rld"); assert(translate("hello world", transTable1, "low") == "h5 rd"); string[dchar] transTable2 = ['e' : "5", 'o' : "orange"]; assert(translate("hello world", transTable2) == "h5llorange worangerld");
This is an overload of translate which takes an existing buffer to write the contents to.
C1[] str | The original string. |
dchar[dchar] transTable | The AA indicating which characters to replace and what to replace them with. |
const(C2)[] toRemove | The characters to remove from the string. |
Buffer buffer | An output range to write the contents to. |
dchar[dchar] transTable1 = ['e' : '5', 'o' : '7', '5': 'q']; auto buffer = appender!(dchar[])(); translate("hello world", transTable1, null, buffer); assert( == "h5ll7 w7rld"); buffer.clear(); translate("hello world", transTable1, "low", buffer); assert( == "h5 rd"); buffer.clear(); string[dchar] transTable2 = ['e' : "5", 'o' : "orange"]; translate("hello world", transTable2, null, buffer); assert( == "h5llorange worangerld");
This is an ASCII-only overload of translate . It will not work with Unicode. It exists as an optimization for the cases where Unicode processing is not necessary.
Unlike the other overloads of translate
, this one does not take
an AA. Rather, it takes a string generated by makeTrans
The array generated by makeTrans is 256 elements long such that
the index is equal to the ASCII character being replaced and the value is
equal to the character that it's being replaced with. Note that translate
does not decode any of the characters, so you can actually pass it Extended
ASCII characters if you want to (ASCII only actually uses 128
characters), but be warned that Extended ASCII characters are not valid
Unicode and therefore will result in a UTFException being thrown from
most other Phobos functions.
Also, because no decoding occurs, it is possible to use this overload to
translate ASCII characters within a proper UTF-8 string without altering the
other, non-ASCII characters. It's replacing any code unit greater than
127 with another code unit or replacing any code unit with another code
unit greater than 127 which will cause UTF validation issues.
char[] str | The original string. |
char[] transTable | The string indicating which characters to replace and what to replace them with. It is generated by makeTrans . |
char[] toRemove | The characters to remove from the string. |
auto transTable1 = makeTrans("eo5", "57q"); assert(translate("hello world", transTable1) == "h5ll7 w7rld"); assert(translate("hello world", transTable1, "low") == "h5 rd");
This is an ASCII-only overload of translate which takes an existing buffer to write the contents to.
char[] str | The original string. |
char[] transTable | The string indicating which characters to replace and what to replace them with. It is generated by makeTrans . |
char[] toRemove | The characters to remove from the string. |
Buffer buffer | An output range to write the contents to. |
auto buffer = appender!(char[])(); auto transTable1 = makeTrans("eo5", "57q"); translate("hello world", transTable1, null, buffer); assert( == "h5ll7 w7rld"); buffer.clear(); translate("hello world", transTable1, "low", buffer); assert( == "h5 rd");
Format arguments into a string.
Char[] fmt | Format string. For detailed specification, see format.html#formattedWrite">std. format.formattedWrite. |
Args args | Variadic list of arguments to format into returned string.
format's current implementation has been replaced with xformat 's implementation. in November 2012. This is seamless for most code, but it makes it so that the only argument that can be a format string is the first one, so any code which used multiple format strings has broken. Please change your calls to format accordingly. e.g.: format("key = %s", key, ", value = %s", value)needs to be rewritten as: format("key = %s, value = %s", key, value)
Format arguments into buffer buf which must be large enough to hold the result. Throws RangeError if it is not.
sformat(buf, "key = %s", key, ", value = %s", value)needs to be rewritten as:
sformat(buf, "key = %s, value = %s", key, value)
Deprecated. It will be removed in November 2013. Please use std.string.format instead.
Format arguments into a string.
was changed to use this implementation in November 2012,
Deprecated. It will be removed in November 2013. Please use std.string.sformat instead.
Format arguments into string buf which must be large
enough to hold the result. Throws RangeError if it is not.
was changed to use this implementation in November 2012,
See if character c is in the pattern.
See if character c is in the intersection of the patterns.
Count characters in s that match pattern.
Return string that is s with all characters removed that match pattern.
Return string where sequences of a character in s[] from pattern[] are replaced with a single instance of that character. If pattern is null, it defaults to all characters.
Finds the position pos of the first character in s that does not match pattern (in the terminology used by inPattern). Updates s = s[pos..$]. Returns the slice from the beginning of the original (before update) string up to, and excluding, pos.
string s = "123abc"; string t = munch(s, "0123456789"); assert(t == "123" && s == "abc"); t = munch(s, "0123456789"); assert(t == "" && s == "abc");
Return string that is the 'successor' to s[]. If the rightmost character is a-zA-Z0-9, it is incremented within its case or digits. If it generates a carry, the process is repeated with the one to its immediate left.
Replaces the characters in str which are in from with the the corresponding characters in to and returns the resulting string.
tr is based on Posix's tr, though it doesn't do everything that the Posix utility does.
C1[] str | The original string. |
const(C2)[] from | The characters to replace. |
const(C3)[] to | The characters to replace with. |
const(C4)[] modifiers | String containing modifiers. |
Modifier | Description |
'c' | Complement the list of characters in from |
'd' | Removes matching characters with no corresponding replacement in to |
's' | Removes adjacent duplicates in the replaced characters |
[in] string s can be formatted in the following ways:
Integer Whole Number: (for byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, and ulong) ['+'|'-']digit(s)[U|L|UL]
Soundex algorithm.
The Soundex algorithm converts a word into 4 characters based on how the word sounds phonetically. The idea is that two spellings that sound alike will have the same Soundex value, which means that Soundex can be used for fuzzy matching of names.
const(char)[] string | String to convert to Soundex representation. |
char[] buffer | Optional 4 char array to put the resulting Soundex characters into. If null, the return value buffer will be allocated on the heap. |
Construct an associative array consisting of all abbreviations that uniquely map to the strings in values.
This is useful in cases where the user is expected to type in one of a known set of strings, and the program will helpfully autocomplete the string once sufficient characters have been entered that uniquely identify it.
import std.stdio; import std.string; void main() { static string[] list = [ "food", "foxy" ]; auto abbrevs = std.string.abbrev(list); foreach (key, value; abbrevs) { writefln("%s => %s", key, value); } }produces the output:
fox => foxy food => food foxy => foxy foo => food
Wrap text into a paragraph.
The input text string s is formed into a paragraph by breaking it up into a sequence of lines, delineated by \n, such that the number of columns is not exceeded on each line. The last line is terminated with a \n.
S s | text string to be wrapped |
size_t columns | maximum number of columns in the paragraph |
S firstindent | string used to indent first line of the paragraph |
S indent | string to use to indent following lines of the paragraph |
size_t tabsize | column spacing of tabs |
Removes indentation from a multi-line string or an array of single-line strings.
This uniformly outdents the text as much as possible.
Whitespace-only lines are always converted to blank lines.
A StringException will be thrown if inconsistent indentation prevents
the input from being outdented.
Works at compile-time.
import std.stdio;
void main() {
import std.stdio; void main() { writeln("Hello"); }